

Ditch the workout - Join the Party! A 60 min dance fitness class featuring Latin and world rhythms that mixes low-intensity and high-intensity moves for an interval-style, calorie-burning dance fitness party. It's a total body workout, combining cardio, muscle conditioning, balance, and flexibility!

2023 Registration Fee $22

Class Fees:

$6 with registration

$8 walk - In

Registrations & class fees will be collected on-site.

Instructor: ZIN Katie Troch


For more information contact nec@zoominternet.net or ktroch.zumba.com

All classes will be conducted according to Harford County COVID Guildelines

External links are provided for reference purposes.Jarrettsville Recreation is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites.CopyrightJarrettsville Recreation All rights Reserved. Privacy Noticed County COVID Guidelines