Please read below regarding further details for our baseball program:
All spring outdoor recreational baseball activities to include practices & games will begin 3/15/25 or later (depending on weather) and will run until 6/15/25.
Age 4 - Instructional T-Ball Clinic
- $70.00
- 8 game schedule
- Players hit using Tee only
- Saturday games
- 1 practice per week
- 15 min warmup prior to each game
- 3 inning games with 1 hr max duration per game
5-6 Rec Instructional League:
- $90.00
- 8 game schedule with N.Harford, Norrisville & J'ville teams
- Saturday games
- 1 practice per week
- 15 min warmup prior to each game
- 3 inning games with 1 hr max duration per game
- Coaches pitch 8 pitches then players hit using Tee
7-8 Upper Chesapeake Rec Baseball League:
- $100.00
- 8 week schedule with N.Harford, Norrisville, Delta & J'ville teams.
- 2 games per week. (Tues & Thurs.)
- Live pitching at 40 feet, 60 foot base paths
- Combined players & coach pitch
- 5 inning games/90 min limit
- UCRBL All-Star Game.
9-10 Upper Chesapeake Rec Baseball League:
- $125.00
- 8 week county wide schedule
- 2 games per week. (Mon. & Wed.)
- Live pitching at 46 feet. 60 ft. base paths
- Base-Stealing after ball crosses home plate
- UCRBL All-Star Game
- UCRBL end-of-season Championship Tournament
11-12 Upper Chesapeake Rec Baseball League:
- $135.00
- 8 week county wide schedule
- 2 games per week. (T/Th/some Saturdays)
- Live pitching at 50 feet. 70 ft. base paths
- MLB rules
- UCRBL All-Star Game
- UCRBL end-of-season Championship Tournament
13-15 Upper Chesapeake Rec Baseball League:
- $150.00
- 8 week county wide schedule
- 2 games per week. (Mon/Wed/some Saturdays)
- 90 foot diamond / 90 ft. bases
- Live pitching at 60 ft 6 in
- MLB Rules
- UCRBL All-Star Game
- UCRBL end-of-season Championship Tournament
Travel Baseball will be holding tryouts in January & February 2025 at TT Sports Complex in Whiteford, Maryland.